5 Steps to Billing Success in Physical Therapy

Outline How to maximize reimbursement, streamline your billing operations, and choose the best software. Physical therapy billing can either be hard or easy. Most are doing it wrong.

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Starting a Private Practice the Right Way

If you want to have business on day 1 of your new practice opening, take these steps now. Many practices will start and go months with only trickle-trickle,

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New Formula for Private Practice Success!

This new formula developed by IndeFree, for physical and occupational therapists, claims to be one of the fastest methods to… More Patients More Referrals Increased Cash Flow Quicker Tx

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Word of Mouth Marketing

Word of mouth marketing is critical for growth today. I wrote a post last week on the topic of getting people to talk about you (word of mouth

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Why No One is Talking About You

“If your customers are not talking about you, you’re doing something wrong.”  I’m seeing a lot of desperate and fearful business owners these days. Everybody seems to be

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