ADVANCED (See BASIC portion below)
Quality Assurance Program
- Do I need to have one?
- If an insurance company asks for one, what should I do?
- How can IndeFree give me one in 20 minutes?
Medical records
- Is there an easy way to manage medical record requests? Is it important?
- How much should I charge for a request?
- Is there really a WRONG way to format my scheduling of patients?
- How many patients should I be SCHEDULING a day?
- How many patients should I be TREATING a day?
- How do I TRACK this on a weekly basis? daily?
Human Resource
- How do I find a good receptionist? PT? Technician?
- How much should I pay employees?
- Should I give benefits?
- Why should I use a “Performance-Based Compensation Program”?
- Are there tools to make my practice easier to run?
- Is there really such a thing as an “automated” practice?
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BASIC Administrative Secrets
Banking & Accounting
- What type and how many bank accounts should I have?
- Who should have check writing privileges?
- Do I need a CPA (certified public accountant)? What services do I need?
- Do I need a merchant account?
- How should I collect payments at my front desk?
- Who should make deposits?
- How should I track my expenses and revenue? Are there tools to make it easier?
- Should I use software, and if so which one?
- Who should reconcile my bank accounts?
- What’s the best way to know how much I’m profiting?
- What’s the best way to organize my receipts?
- What’s the easiest way to stay compliant?
- Should I use a sign-in sheet?
- Do I need private treatment rooms that are walled?
- What forms and documents are required?
- Who should handle my payroll?
- How much are employer taxes?
- Is there a way to lower my taxes?
- If I use an outside service to process payroll, what’s a reasonable fee?
- How should I order supplies?
- Should I use a “purchase order” system?
- How should I track “ordered” and “received” items?
- What’s a good office supply store?
- What’s a good clinical supply company?
Permits & Insurances
- What type of PERMITS do I require for my practice?
- What type of INSURANCES do I require?
- Who should maintain them?
Insurance Credentialing
- How do I get on insurance plans?
- What’s required to get on the major plans like Blue Cross, Aetna, etc.?
- Who should organize and maintain these contracts?
Human Resource
- What’s required of me to start using employees?
- Do I have to pay the government to use employees?
- Is there a right way to RECRUIT & HIRE an employee?
- Is there a right way to FIRE an employee?