Studies show that not everyone is “successful.”
Over 80% of people look back on their lives with regret. They regret not doing enough, not achieving enough, not stepping out of their “comfort zone” enough, not living life to the fullest enough.
I don’t want to end up like that. I want to rise above. I want my baby Cozy (who just turned 3 🙂 to rise above, so I want to set a good example for her.

I’m uncomfortable being in front of the camera. I’ve never been comfortable with that. So, in honor of Cozy’s birthday I want to be a better father. I want to show her that you shouldn’t run from things that make you uncomfortable, awkward or nervous. Instead, face it, do it, get better at it.
So, here I am, ON VIDEO, sharing with you an important message. Something that helps you bring out the best in your staff…and yourself.
I will be making a lot more videos in the future so others can benefit…so Cozy can benefit.
Look for more in the future…(hopefully, I get better at it).
3 Things That Make Your Practice BETTER…But Might Make You Feel Uncomfortable
- Asking more often the question, “Do you know anyone suffering from pain, injury or weakness”?
Everyone knows someone that’s suffering from back pain, injury or weakness. If you never ask, you never get. And a small business needs the help of their customers to make it these days. Ask for help. - Step outside your comfort zone…make a video.
Make one showing patients the benefit of therapy. Share an example case you had. One that turned a patient’s life around. Create an exercise video showing people one of your best exercises. Create a video highlighting your practice. Show the facility and introduce staff. In order for your practice to become better, you must first become better. Step outside your comfort zone. - Get some help and training. Don’t try to figure it out on your own.
Success in private practice is not about being smart, it’s about getting outside your comfort zone and learning the best, fastest ways to grow, and then DOING it.
That is Great James,
Love, love, love the look of this action but I downloaded it and it doesn't work with PE9..should it? I am very new to PE and actions. You have a wonderful site!