Important information on how the Advocacy Consulting works:

  • Make sure to send all documents, correspondences, evidentiary files to James Ko at your earliest convenience.
  • Please allow 7-10 days for review of files. If your situation is urgent, please call us at the number below. A rush fee may apply.
  • James will directly schedule a private session with you via remote video connection once he has completed his review.
  • If you want James to speak directly with your attorney or recommend an attorney to you in your state, additional fees may apply.
  • Your initial retainer covers time that is spent by James Ko and IndeFree in providing necessary professional services for your case. Other third party services and entities might be secured should there be a need as well and a portion of the retainer may be used for that purpose.
  • You will be notified when your retainer funds are near the 20% depletion threshold.

For immediate help, please call our office at (800) 801-4511.



James Ko is not a lawyer and this should not be considered legal advice. You should seek legal counsel if warranted for your particular situation. Contact your malpractice & liability insurance provider to determine any benefits you may have for this purpose. Please note, this is directed toward readers in the United States. If you are conducting business outside of the United States, I highly encourage you to find and understand your obligations regarding disclosure.