Not everyone’s enjoying being in business right now. And for healthcare practitioners, this is especially true.

If you are enjoying it, you’re given a gift.

Because enjoyment truly is a gift. You’re not entitled to it.

It’s not guaranteed. You have to earn the right to the gift of “Enjoyment” (especially in business).

Enjoyment in your business (and in life for that matter) only manifests when you learn and apply the 5 Deeper Truths.

The Deeper Truths have nothing to do with your business or clinical skills.

It goes much deeper than that.

It has everything to do with…
…HOW you embrace yourself and the place you hold in the large Fabric-of-Humanity.

Know that you are much more than the amount of money you are able to earn and generate.

You have much more to contribute. Much more.

You are NOT your business and your business is not you.

Here are the 5 Deeper Truths and ways to earn the right to enjoy your business (and life):

(1) Be kind(er) to others. Not just with patients and potential clients. But also with your staff. And also with your family. Be more patient with others.

(2) Look for the best in others…instead of the worst. Don’t look for reasons to get mad or frustrated at someone. Don’t be ready to pounce. Look for their beauty, their strength. Everyone has it. You are just not recognizing it. When you cloak yourself with the uniform of negativity, you blind yourself from the beauty that surrounds you.

(3) Do what you say. There’s nothing that will subliminally plant a grey cloud over your head faster than giving away your dignity. That’s what happens whenever you don’t do what you say. Sometimes you feel it but most of the time you it only eats away at you subconsciously. It disrupts your sleep. It turns you sour.

(4) Be more realistic. Don’t put yourself out there so quickly. Don’t make promises you can’t keep. They become “empty promises.” Don’t make them to yourself and certainly NOT to others. Be realistic. Try this…

Instead of saying, “I will have this to you by Friday.”

Say, “I will try and have this to you by Friday. I will update you.”

(5) Start trusting more. Stop being so untrusting. The best way to do this is…stop relying on yourself only. You are not the center of the universe…you shouldn’t try to be. Don’t try and do everything…or else when you stop, all will crumble. Trust in God. Trust in your team. Trust your spouse. Trust your kid. Hell, trust in a stranger. Just start trusting on others.  DISCLAIMER: Expect that others will make mistakes. They will fail you. Anticipate it. That way you are prepared and can respond with kindness and compassion. Eventually, people will surprise you. People are magnificent. But you have to bring it out of them. It starts with patience.

Well, that’s it.

Tell me what you think below. Thanks 🙂

About the Author James Ko

James Ko is the lead instructor and founder of IndeFree. He's a physical therapist of over 20 years and have owned 7 private practices and is launching a national chain. He's worked with some of the world's most celebrated athletes, actresses, and X-Game competitors. More importantly, he knows what it's like to fail and succeed. He enjoys reading James Patterson and Nicolas Sparks, and likes to golf, play the guitar and practice martial arts. He loves playing with my Mac and Cozy most of all!

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