A very important number every practice should know is, “How many patients do I need to see per day to profit $10,000/mo?”

Knowing is a big, big part of growing. -James Ko, PT

If you don’t know this number, your chances of reaching it are slim. If you don’t know this number, the chances of you reaching goals of $20k or even $50k per month are mere dreams. Watch as I show you how to easily calculate this very important number.

An Amazing Tool


IMPORTANT: This tool helps me make decisions based on sound information versus assumption or emotion.

Take this sample scenario for example:

When a practice is struggling financially, most owners immediately begin to question the amount of money they are paying their staff. They might even decrease staff pay to offset the financial situation. You will see in the video that this is a very WRONG thing to do.*

In the video you will see that lowering your receptionist’s pay by $2 per hour hardly affects your situation at all (but it will dramatically affect your receptionist’s life). Watch the video and see what I am talking about.

Now, how do you grow your practice with this information?

We’ll show you at the next course.

Take control of your practice and grow it the smart way!


*Getting rid of staff you don’t need is a good decision to make but lowering pay of existing staff typically doesn’t work well.

About the Author James Ko

James Ko is the lead instructor and founder of IndeFree. He's a physical therapist of over 20 years and have owned 7 private practices and is launching a national chain. He's worked with some of the world's most celebrated athletes, actresses, and X-Game competitors. More importantly, he knows what it's like to fail and succeed. He enjoys reading James Patterson and Nicolas Sparks, and likes to golf, play the guitar and practice martial arts. He loves playing with my Mac and Cozy most of all!

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