
I’m always trying to improve as a person and business owner but now that it’s a new year I’m thinking about it more than ever. I’ve never thought too much of New Year resolutions but I have to admit it’s a good time to initiate improvements.

Here are some things I am going to STOP in 2016 and I hope it might help you, too.

1) Complaining

Stop haphazardly saying “I’m hungry… I’m tired… I have a headache…” It doesn’t help your hunger, tiredness, or headache. Actually can make it worse. But even more, it infects others around you. Be a light. Don’t complain in 2016.

2) Trying to do too much at one time

Studies show that we (PT/OT’s) have a tendency to try and do too much, but we fail in execution. Putting too much on our plate can get us overwhelmed and make us freeze.  Stop trying to do too much, focus on the most important items, learn to say no, and start executing in 2016.

3) Trying to do it all yourself

Let others try. Give them a chance. Trust others more. Let go of control more. They might do it better than you. Start delegating more in 2016.

4) Equating money with security and happiness.

This is more harmful than you might think. It can lead to fear. It can result in taking less risks, playing it safe, being less bold. In business, this can kill you. Taking risks is a demonstration of your faith. It’s a proclamation of your belief in yourself and your team. Seek more adventure and take more risks in 2016.

5) Being so serious

No one likes a prude. Be less like rock and more like WATER. Let things roll off you. Flow around obstacles. Laugh more and don’t take yourself so seriously. Remember that none of this will matter in the grand scheme of life when you are retired. Enjoy the journey and be a better person (and leader) and be less judgmental in 2016.

You have the control to make this your best year ever. It’s up to you. Make some changes in 2016, whether you believe in resolutions or not. Good luck and hope to see you in the next IndeFree Private Practice Secrets conference!

Which of the five items above will you be stopping in 2016?
Share in comments below.

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About the Author James Ko

James Ko is the lead instructor and founder of IndeFree. He's a physical therapist of over 20 years and have owned 7 private practices and is launching a national chain. He's worked with some of the world's most celebrated athletes, actresses, and X-Game competitors. More importantly, he knows what it's like to fail and succeed. He enjoys reading James Patterson and Nicolas Sparks, and likes to golf, play the guitar and practice martial arts. He loves playing with my Mac and Cozy most of all!

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