for Physical and Occupational Therapists.

(Very appropriate for pediatric, PT, OT, or Speech clinic as well)

Register to Get an Invitation to Next Course

This class will empower you with everything you need to be successful! This is where we get into the advanced secrets and skills of…

  1. Maximizing reimbursement

  2. Beating the insurance companies (including medicare)

  3. Secret collection techniques (for both insurance and patient portions) and

  4. Protecting your practice.

It’s unlike any course you have attended, guaranteed!

“Most physical therapy practices under bill (and use wrong codes), and therefore get underpaid.  It’s common seeing therapists spend over an hour with a patient and only bill for 2-3 units of care.” -James Ko, MPT/Advisor

Maximizing Reimbursement

  • Is there really a way to maximize reimbursement?
  • IMPORTANT 1:  Learn all the secrets to avoiding problems during the ICD-10 transition, including not having to wait for your money!
  • IMPORTANT 2:  G-codes made easy! Make it easy to comply by getting the video to train your staff along with the reference guides to implement tomorrow!
  • What is the insurance company “Short List” and how do I get on it?
  • How do I get my staff therapists to bill correctly and maximally?
  • Are there really CPT codes that pay better than others?
  • How to track which CPT codes pay best for which payer
  • How to take advantage of payer review policies
  • What are modifiers?  And how do they help me maximize billing?
  • Is it better to use a billing service or do my billing in-house?
  • Eliminating Your Accounts Receivable (A/R)
  • What to do if your claim comes back denied.
  • How to respond to STALLING TACTICS, such as:
  • “Not Medically Necessary”

    • “Not usual, customary, or reasonable”

    • “Untimely filing” denial

    • “Benefits exhausted” denial’

    • and the dreaded, “Need more information”!

  • You can win the game and we’ll show you how!
  • Is my biller doing the right things?  Is my billing service doing all they could be doing to get my money?

physical therapy billing

Streamlining Your Procedures

  • How to gather data efficiently
  • Getting your entire staff involved in the process without creating errors
  • Outsourcing -vs- Doing it in-house
  • When should I consider outsourcing my billing?
  • How do I know which billing service is good?
  • What is the BEST software to use if I do it in-house?
  • How do I choose a billing service or company?
  • What’s a good rate to pay a billing service?

And much much more….

“I would say nearly 80% of all PT and OT practices are vulnerableshould their billing practices ever get audited or scrutinized.” -James Ko, MPT/Advisor

Audit-Proofing Your Practice

  • Am I in danger should I ever get audited?  View this alarming trend of recovery audits!
  • Know what auditors including Medicare and the Physical Therapy Board is looking for, and more importantly, know why they are becoming religious about investigating small practices.
  • Know what they are doing to increase prosecutions.
  • Do you really know how to bill legally and correctly?

Coding Strategies and Secrets

  • Time-based codes versus NON time-based
  • One-on-One CPT codes, how to use them
  • Skilled -vs- Non-skilled services
  • How do I bill for the services provided by an aide?  Can I?
  • What’s a good fee schedule for an occupational therapist clinic? Physical therapy clinic?


IMPORTANT 1:  Learn all the secrets to transitioning to an EMR without headache!

IMPORTANT 2:  G-codes tips and tricks. Make it easy to comply by getting the video to train your staff along with the reference guides to implement tomorrow!

  • Should you “Accept Assignment” or no?  Do I have a choice?
  • Can you get red flagged for audit?  If so, how?
  • What to do if you get audited
  • How to bill for a re-evaluation (97002) and get paid.
  • Billing for Group Therapy
  • How many patients can I see at the same time, legally?
  • Can I utilize an Aide with Medicare patients?  Is it allowed?
  • Can I bill for the services provided by an Aide?
  • Where do I get the list of “Exempt Diagnosis from the Medicare Cap?””
  • What are the best codes to bill for Medicare?
  • How to AVOID audit with Medicare

Cash Paying Patients

  • How to correct your facility FEE SCHEDULE, and the importance of doing this immediately!
  • How to legally create a DISCOUNTED fee schedule for CASH PAYING patients and not be vulnerable if ever audited.
  • Super bill -or- Fee slip, which is better?
  • Insurance-based services -vs- Elective services -vs- Supersize services, (this one will blow your mind!)
  • What are modifiers?  How do they help me maximize billing?

TAG (Therapist Advocacy Group)

  • Who are they and why is it important to you?
  • This course is A MUST for every physical therapy and occupational therapy practice owner, biller, clinician, administrator, and managers.  You will suffer as the climate of healthcare changes if you don’t take it and gain access to the tools and strategies.
  • PT and OTs must improve their collecting abilities in order to preserve the value of our services.  Physical therapists consistently rank at the bottom of the list in our abilities to collect for our services (as compared to physicians, chiropractors, dentists, etc.).
  • Do yourself and our industry a favor and register now!